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Thema: Ghost Rider-Movie

  1. #26
    Moderator The Punisher Forum Avatar von Frank Castle
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    August 1, 2003: gives us an update from Marvel's Kevin Feige: "In a perfect world, we'd love to be shooting [Ghost Rider] early next year," says Marvel Studios Senior Vice President Kevin Feige. "Writer/director Mark Steven Johnson is halfway through his rewrite of the script and is coming up with spectacular stuff. Nicholas Cage is dying to do 'Ghost Rider.' He's doing a movie called 'National Treasure' as his next project, but after that he wants to do 'Ghost Rider.' We're committed to him and he's committed to the movie. Now it's just a matter of timing."
    August 3, 2003: According to The Hollywood Reporter, Nicholas Cage will not follow up his next film 'National Treasure' with Ghost Rider, but instead will go straight into a film called 'The Weather Man.' Looks like we won't be seeing GR as soon as we may have hoped... thanks to IGN Filmforce for the story!
    August 5, 2003: There was some concern last week that Ghost Rider might not start filming until late next year after it was announced that Nicolas Cage would make The Weather Man his next picture after National Treasure. Ghost Rider been expected to be Cage's next project after the Jerry Bruckheimer-produced Treasure.

    However, Ghost Rider producer Gary Foster has advised IGN FilmForce that fans have nothing to worry about. "We are still on track for early 2004," Foster said. "The Weather Man is a short shoot."
    Quelle: CBM (Comic Book Movies)

    Das Poster sieht ja schon mal ganz gut aus:
    Geändert von Frank Castle (13.08.2003 um 10:09 Uhr)

  2. #27
    Mitglied Avatar von Destroyer
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    Yeah, sieht gut aus.

  3. #28
    Moderatpr Plem Plam Productions Avatar von Bendrix
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    Ghost Rider ist ja prädestiniert dafür einen miesen Film anzugeben. Da kann man soviel falsch machen und schnell in die peinliche Ecke rutschen. Und wenn man sich dann noch an Hamme Lane anlehnt... Hoffen wir mal das beste.

  4. #29
    Mitglied Avatar von Destroyer
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    Wenn die Jungs "Hammer Lane" als Vorbild für den Ghost Rider nehmen, dann gute nacht. Was Schlechteres geht ja kaum. Man sollte sich an den Mackie Geschichten aus den frühen 90igern orientieren.
    Geändert von Destroyer (29.08.2003 um 11:29 Uhr)

  5. #30
    Moderator The Punisher Forum Avatar von Frank Castle
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    Jetzt scheint das Budget offiziell zu sein.

    (8/19/03) Production had been scheduled to start in early/mid 2004 on a budget of $75 million, but director Mark Steven Johnson recently told that he now hopes to start filming as early as this fall, 2003 instead. Back when this film was to be produced and released by Dimension Films, they had once been aiming for a late 2001 start.
    Und zu der Ankündigung es würde ein neuer Ghost Rider Comic erscheinen, gibt es leider noch nichts Genaues:

    Since first revealing that there is a new GHOST RIDER comic series in the works a few weeks ago at the Chicago ComicCon, there has been no word from Marvel Comics as to the who/what/when/where/how’s about GR’s return to the printed page. GHOST RIDER may join a host of a few other horror books coming out of the House of Ideas next year, including a possible (but not confirmed) NIGHTSTALKERS book (in conjunction with ‘BLADE: TRINITY’) and YOUNG ANCIENT ONE (not so much horror, but with ties to DOCTOR STRANGE).
    Quelle: Comicboards

    Eine neue Nightstalkers-Serie wäre klasse, je nachdem wers schreibt. (Gegen "Tomb of Dracula", "Morbius" oder "Werewolf by night" wäre allerdings auch nichts einzuwenden. ) Steven Grant oder Marv Wolfman werden wohl nicht verfügbar sein, oder? War Frank Drake nicht eigentlich tot?
    Geändert von Frank Castle (29.08.2003 um 11:12 Uhr)

  6. #31
    Moderator The Punisher Forum Avatar von Frank Castle
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    Johnson is currently at work writing the script for "Ghost Rider" which he'll also direct. Johnson said the work is going "awesome. I'm sitting at my screen right now. I'm turning in the draft in a few weeks and I hope to be shooting in the fall."

    His take on "Ghost Rider" will center on Johnny Blaze. "I want to take all the stuff from the original and update it. If Evel Knievel was around today, with all his charisma, he'd probably be amazing," Johnson said. "He'd be like king of the X-Games and bigger than Tony Hawk. I thought I would do it the way the comics did it."

    However, the look of the character will borrow more heavily from the Javier Saltares / Mark Texiera take of the 1990s.

    "I always liked Johnny Blaze more than Danny Ketch, because I liked that cowboy southwest vibe. But the look was much better later in the Howard Mackie storylines with villains like the [Marvel] Scarecrow."

    Johnson also confirmed that Nicolas Cage is still attached to star in it. "He's a huge fan, with a huge Ghost Rider tattoo on his left shoulder. That's how serious he is."

  7. #32
    Moderator The Punisher Forum Avatar von Frank Castle
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    Ein Interview mit dem Drehbuchautor (Das Drehbuch wird derzeit angeblich von Regisseur Johnson überarbeitet.) Der neue Kino-Start wird mit 2005 anvisiert.

    SV: Which version did you like best, Blaze or Vengeance Demon?

    SALERNO: Mark Steven Johnson (Daredevil) is directing the film and he shares my love for the Johnny Blaze character. So does Nic Cage. He's a Ghost Rider fanatic. I met with him at his home and he has a tremendous passion for Ghost Rider and for the duality that is at the heart of Johnny Blaze/Ghost Rider. Also, I think Johnny Blaze is the only true Ghost Rider, though I must admit that the writing and art is much better in the later Dan Ketch Ghost Rider comics. The original Ghost Rider comics never had the great writing and stories that X Men, Spiderman and other comics had. It was kept alive by a core group of Marvel writers that would exchange work on one project for the opportunity to work on Ghost Rider. I am excited that Mark Steven Johnson is directing. I think that he's a good choice. He's a very passionate filmmaker and it's that passion that resulted in Daredevil being made. He's rewriting my script with plans to start shooting soon. I hope that when the film is released they go back and re-imagine and re-launch a new version of Johnny Blaze/Ghost Rider comic books.

    SV: With that said, how do you create great antagonists worthy of a hellfire-throwing demon under $150 Million?

    SALERNO: Ghost Rider has had a long and tortured development history. If Ghost Rider is executed at its full potential, it could take special effects to another level as T2 did. Almost no film has had to use character based CGI on the level that Ghost Rider would require. It's thrilling to consider the sheer "look" of Ghost Rider. It could really be amazing and I am sure that it will be because the folks at Marvel (Avi, Kevin and Ari) are so meticulous in every detail in the making of their films that they will not settle until it's absolutely right. Avi Arad really doesn't get the credit he deserves. He produces these movies and is really the man behind so many of Marvel's films working so well. People forget how bad some early incarnations of Marvel movies were in say the Eighties before Avi took over. He's a master showman and also a terrific storyteller. Honestly, I think that he is a more valuable Marvel asset than Spiderman, and the people that have worked with him know this.

  8. #33
    Moderator The Punisher Forum Avatar von Frank Castle
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    The Herald Sun reports that the Ghost Rider production will be headed Down Under...

    TWO big-budget Hollywood movies - one tipped to star heart-throb Nicolas Cage - are set to be made in Melbourne.

    Producers of children's classic Charlotte's Web and Ghost Rider, based on the Marvel comic, both want to come to Melbourne to film.

    Both production crews want to use the Docklands film studios at the same time early next year.

  9. #34
    Moderator The Punisher Forum Avatar von Frank Castle
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    Ein Interview mit Cage (ok, ein paar Tage ist es schon alt. )

    Now this might not be the kind of image you'd normally choose to kickstart your day, but you've got to admire Nicolas Cage's balls. Several times over the last few years, the avid comic book fan has come this close to starring in his very own superhero movie, only to see one by one, the opportunity pass him by.

    First of all, he was going to play the Man of Steel in Tim Burton's Superman Reborn, before it went tits-up. Then he was lined up to play The Green Goblin in Spider-Man, but scheduling conflicts scuppered that.

    But he's never given up (which is where our torturous balls metaphor comes in) and next January will see Cage finally get his wish when filming starts in Melbourne on Ghost Rider, the latest big-budget flick from Daredevil director (and ace foosball player), Mark Steven Johnson.

    Empire had the opportunity recently to sit down with Cage, who talked in depth about the project, in which Cage will play Johnny Blaze, a circus motorcycle stuntman who, after a series of tragic events, is tricked by Satan into becoming the Spirit of Vengeance aka the Ghost Rider; a flame-skulled, motorcycle-riding demon. But with Johnny's pure heart initially over-riding the Satanic imprint, the Ghost Rider becomes a vigilante, charged with cleansing impure souls via various arcane weapons, including the blistering penance stare.

    "What I love about this idea for a comic book is that, if you think about it, it’s really complex. Obviously the movie should be fun and it has to have humour but if you think about a superhero who’s using the powers of hell for good… I mean, that is a very profound, complicated concept for a superhero," said Cage.

    And if that has you thinking Hellboy, then Cage is happy to set you straight. "Hellboy is a later character," he said. "Ghost Rider's been cursed by the devil but he’s not going to let the devil win. He sold his soul out of love, he was trying to save his father’s life, and then he got tricked by the trickster. But because he did it out of love the devil can’t get him. He can outfox the devil and use his powers for love and good, which is interesting."

    Although the Ghost Rider – with its fiery skull, burning eyes, and motorcycle with flaming wheels – is one of Marvel's most easily recognisable characters, there are of course problems to reconcile when an A-lister is cast in the role: namely, how to include Cage's fizzog on the screen without compromising the iconic image.

    "Well I won’t be THAT face," said Cage, who revealed that the Rider's face will be largely CG. "But it’s important to the filmmaker that there’s still moments in the CGI of the face where you can still see my own expressions, so I can work that out with them. It’s hard to have a skull make facial expressions."

    Early reports suggest that the movie will see Ghost Rider take on Blackheart, the son of the Devil, and Cage is looking forward to the challenge of his first comic book movie.

    "Ghost Rider is one of the original American Marvel comic icons," he told Empire. "He was sort of the icon for motorcyclists that the Silver Surfer was for surfers. Imagine Evel Knievel with a flaming skull for a head. It should be fun."

  10. #35
    Moderator The Punisher Forum Avatar von Frank Castle
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    Regisseur Mark Steven Johnson erzählte Superhero Hype vom Stand der Dinge bei "Ghost Rider".

    "Wir fangen in ca. vier Wochen mit den Dreharbeiten an. Ihr könnt euch vorstellen, wie beschäftigt ich da bin. Für alle, die wie ich so lange auf den Film gewartet haben, ist es wahrscheinlich kaum zu glauben, dass es endlich losgeht."

    "Erster Punkt. Casting. Nicholas Cage spielt Johnny Blaze. Das ist sicher. Ich könnte nicht glücklicher sein. Er ist in der Form seines Lebens. Genauso wie ein Motorrad-Stuntfahrer aussehen soll. Ich habe noch ein paar Rollen gecastet, aber damit sollte ich warten, bis die offiziell bekannt gegeben werden."

    "Das Budget. Wir sind aufgestiegen von einem $ 40 Mio.-Film zu einem $ 51 Mio.-Film. Vielleicht reicht das für einen "Dazzler"-Film, aber nicht für "Ghost Rider". Im ernst, das ist ein Event-Film. Und Sony weiß, wie man die richtig macht. Also, dies wird nicht das Budget sein."

    "Johnny vs. Danny. Das Beste an der Verfilmung ist, dass ich das Beste von der Johnny Blaze- und von der Danny Ketch-Version des Comics nehmen kann. Also, obwohl ich die Johnny Blaze-Story erzähle, werden Elemente von Danny Ketch, die ich gut finde, im Film sein. Caretaker wird da sein. Und Blackheart auch. Genauso Mephisto und Roxanne und der Quentin Carnival."

    "Das Drehbuch. Einige haben den alten Entwurf von David Goyer erwähnt. Er hat zwei interessante Versionen des Films geschrieben, die ich mir beide ansehen würde. Aber dies ist meine eigene Version. Das Drehbuch ist nähe zum Comic. Gleichzeitig ist es auch ein Western. Ein übernatürlicher Western ist, denke ich, die coolste Idee überhaupt. De Ghost Rider braucht die offene Straße genauso wie die Stadt. Das macht ihn einzigartig. Denkt an "Mad Max". "Unforgiven". Wir haben große Kämpfe in der Stadt, aber am Ende landet man in der Wüste."

    Das "Hellcycle". Es ist einfach unglaublich. Es ist der Chopper aus der Hölle. Kein Zweifel. Das ist das coolste, was ich je gesehen habe. Das Spielzeug und das Videospiel sind schon in Arbeit und sie werden euch begeistern."

    Hier ist der Kurzinhalt zu "Ghost Rider": Um seinen sterbenden Vater zu retten, verkauft Stuntfahrer Johnny Blaze seine Seele an Mephistopheles und trennt sich von der gutherzigen Roxanne Simpson, der Liebe seines Lebens. Jahre später trifft Johnny wieder auf Roxanne, die jetzt Reporterin ist, und auf Mephistopheles. Der bietet ihm an, seine Seele freizugeben, wenn er zum Ghost Rider wird, einem übernatürlichen Agenten der Vergeltung und Gerechtigkeit. Mephistopheles beauftragt Johnny damit, Blackheart zu besiegen, die Nemesis und der Sohn von Mephistopheles. Dieser plant seinen Vater zu ersetzen und eine neue Hölle zu erschaffen, die schlimmer sein wird als die alte.

    Klingt gar nicht mal so schlecht, (bis auf "Mephistopheles") obwohl mir Blackout und Deathwatch als Gegner lieber gewesen wären. Aber die Hauptsache ist, dass es jetzt endlich los zu gehen scheint.

  11. #36
    Mitglied Avatar von El Duderino
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    bin ja noch immer skeptisch nachdem ich gesehen hab was johnson mit DD angestellt hat....

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