Liebe Zwerchfellaner

Ob Liebhaber der rotzfrechen Zwerchfell Comics auch mit edlen Bildgeschichten des Mittelalters, oder einer Graphic Novel des Rokoko, etwas anfangen koennen weiss ich nicht so genau, aber zumindest kurz reinschnueffeln kann ja nix schaden. Falls wer die Sachen auch noch gut findet, na umso besser.

Hier jedenfalls mein aufgemotzter Websitz mit hunderten Bildchen zum Thema:

Early Comics

Before Printing
840 - 1493

A New Language
1730 - 1860

The Mass Medium
1860 - 1900

1890 - 1929

Latest Additions:

unusually panel-rich creation-of-man 'comic' from 840. (Not sure if one should call it a comic, but it's a better bet than similar sequences.)

4 more Spanish 'cantigas' from 1255. At least one of the stories is absolutely beautiful. And some of the panel-sequences are really striking, very comicky.

short strip from an English 1350 bible, showing Salome dancing around the table, interestingly the people at the table are shown only once, she twice.

The Griselda Story, a rather unpleasant tale after Boccaccio, 1500.

The Hogarth section has been devided into 3 pages, so one can look at the cute 'Before & After' without having to download the two long series.

The earliest version of what was to become 'Katzenjammer Kids', an 1859 comic by Wilhelm Busch presenting two rapscallions, Peter and Hans.

Herbert Crowley 'The Wiggle Much' (1910)
A rare strip that was only published for a few weeks in the New York Herald.

Milt Gross 'Dave's Delicatessen' (1931)

C.M. Payne 'Say Pop' (1918)

Olaf Gulbransson 'the artist and his critics'

Clare Briggs 'Mr. and Mrs' (1926)